The perfect strategy for this mission is sniping, but there are many parts in the mission where you'll need it the most. HIT AND RUN is the last mission of Tier 1, you start with a sniper rifle and a mp5 in this mission. By throwing flashbangs into every room before entering and rushing with the shotgun you'll get to the final (breaching) room in no time! Just breach the room and shoot whoever needs to be shot, but be careful, after breaching the room a few hostiles will enter that room, once you get rid of them the mission will be completed. MILEHIGH JACK is a close quarters mission, use of shotguns are advised, the problem is.you don't have a shotgun, what do you do? Well, after breaching the room some hostiles will enter the room, kill them, one of them should have the shotgun you require.

If I get comments asking for more information I'll make a video for it. STAY SHARP is the training mission, it's very easy, especially with a partner. If you have seen my guide on how to get all stars on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 you'll know how these things work, if not then here's what you need to know: We're playing this on VETERAN, this means 3 STARS.