He began the tradition of trusted advisors called the Circle named after Ysgramor's council of captains who would serve as examples to the younger, newer Companions. After the dark periods in the late Second Erawhen a string of false and dishonorable Harbingers laid claim to Jorrvaskrit was Kyrnil Long-Nose who gathered the true hearts of the Companions in the wilds and stormed Jorrvaskr itself, killing the usurpers and returning honor through blood, in the old ways. Since the conflict of interests between its members was jeopardizing their bonds of honor, Harbinger Mryfwiilin his wisdom, decreed that they would no longer be party to any war or political conflict of any kind.īecause of his steady hand, the Companions today are known as impartial arbiters of honor, in addition to their glories on the field of battle.īy the end of the First Erathe Companions have begun to do away with rigid rules of Atmoran racial purity and recruited people of different races and walks of life to fill their ranks. Their services could be purchased for the fighting of wars, but the commitment to individual honor meant that often Shield-Brothers would be forced to face each other on the field of battle.

Several hundred years after the death of Ysgramor, the Companions had converted into soldiers for hire. This period of exploration and colonization is known as The Return. After defeating the snow elves in the Nordic-Falmer Warthe remnants of the Five Hundred Companions went their separate ways to inhabit the unexplored lands of Tamriel. The Companions can trace their origins from the Five Hundred Companions which the legendary army Ysgramor raised to wage war against the snow elves and avenge the Night of Tears. Jorrvaskrthe mead hall where the Companions live and operate, is the oldest building in Whiterun.

I'm in charge of me, and you're in charge of you.

If Torvar is asked, "Who's in charge around here? The fact that they have no official leader is emphasized by their name.

He says that an elder known as Kodlak Whitemane acts as the Harbinger counselor. Eorlund Gray-Manea blacksmith in Whiterunstates that they have been leaderless since Ysgramor. It serves a similar function to the Fighters Guild chapters of other regions of Tamriel. The Companions are the warriors guild of Skyrim.