Just make sure you have a game pad in hand as this game is not a very keyboard-friendly game. Getting Eike around the screen is fairly simple and should be a breeze to get comfortable with. What it does bring with it however, is a living, breathing 3D world. The game is a straightforward adventure game minus the static backgrounds and spectacular voice acting that most PC adventure gamers are used to. You won't be shooting, dodging, strafing, or using quick time combos here. Shadow of Destiny is an adventure game in every essence of the word. So how does the PC port of this sleeper hit fare? Read on and find out if this game has a place in your Destiny. Along the way you'll meet a plethora of interesting characters that help create a fun and believable world. As Eike, you're going to get the opportunity to go back in time and stop your own murder. It also brings with it an exciting (albeit a bit confusing) story of time travel, romance, and a sassy main character with the name of Eike Kusch (how cool is that?). The game features 10 chapters in total with a mystery to be solved in each one. Shadow of Destiny is the first of these titles to see release and if this is a sign of things to come then we're in good hands. And I'm pretty sure it'll run even on netbooks now.In a surprise move, Konami wowed the PC gaming community earlier this year with news that Shadow of Destiny, along with a slew of other console hits, will be making the transition to our system of choice. It's what? 5 bucks now? Seriously, you can slog through the gameplay for the story for that much. Final: If you can find a copy on PS2 or PC, get it. The Good: Multiple endings all are noticeably different from one another. The Bad: Bad controls, 2001 PS2 graphics, no System File keeping track of separate playthroughs. You're investigating your own murder, not avenging it. So the controls are even worse than that. (Of course, by the time you want to split your save, the branch choices have probably already been made anyway.) This was an early PS2 game, most likely made with a PS1 "Not everyone has a DualShock controller" mentality. Of course, you can only get one per playthrough and the save file holds your prior endings, not a System File save. Things happen, and the story splits off into 6 or 8 depending on point of view. Someone IS out to get you.) 2: Do Homunculus a favor. Now you have two objectives related to each other. (Depending on your anime preferences, you now know the MacGuffin of the game.) He gives you the Digipad, a time machine. But you get brought back to life by a person called Homunculus. One professional review suggested that Shadow of Memories (as it's known outside of America) has no "actual gameplay." With a story this good, who cares, as long as the presentation's serviceable. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.