2.1 Restore Al-Andalus 2.2 Restore the Sultanate of Africa 2.3 Restore the Emirate of Sicily 2.4 Recreate the Umayyad Caliphate 2.5 The Rashidi Expansion 2.6 The Northern Expansion 3 Arabia. Type the name of a command into the search bar to instantly search our database of 172 HOI4 commands for the most recent version of the game on Steam (PC). Road to 56 is a DLC-sized addition to your Hearts of Iron experience that has been lovingly crafted by a team of dedicated fanatics. Enjoy while watching.#hoi4 #heartsofiron4 #timelapse Leaderboard. Portugal, Spain, France, Greece, Bulgaria, Czechoslowakia, Poland, Latvia, … I would just suggest downloading the Formable Nations Mod. This isn't real in anyway, it's a random union formable comprising of 19 Hispanic American countries. Terms of use for Paradox Account If you control a North African country and then conquer southern Iberia, you’ll unlock the Moorish Restoration category.

While the mod does expand the tech tree, it also extends the entire game’s timeline all the way to 1956. This mod adds 110 new releasable tags along with gamerules to “fragment” every nation I’ve shattered for owners of Man the Guns and several formable nations for owners of Waking the Tiger. Celtic union, carribean union, Peru-Bolivia, Prussia (it's an easter egg), Germany (for German states but not Germany), Belgium (for Flanders and Wallonia, Great … Belgium is also a good choice. If you want some European minors, I recommend Sweden and the Netherlands (I once conquered the benelux, France and Germany as the Netherlands in a RT56 game). Patria Grande is a formable of every Hispanic American country. We can discuss this situation with each other.