161 backers pledged $21,280 to help bring this project to life. After blazing through their Kicstarter for SKRS 18 Speed USB Shift Knob, Cory & gang at CSIO Technologies have built a company around a unique business plan - offering high-quality custom hardware American Truck Simulator / Euro Truck Simulator 2. 9'' Package Included: 1 x USB SIM Shifter 941 000112 G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel Kierownice. Truck Traffic Mod Pack for American Truck Simulator. 40 materials, adding a better wheel hub to the wheels, nearly done with the update to the existing pack then I'll add a few more rims, different lug nut and cap options, a few more tires. Afterwards, the dealership will be visible in the 'Truck Dealer' menu. Can you give me an advise of du konfigure the Buttons? I bought the game over st accordingly in the game’s control options or settings. In game set your wheel as follows: Steering sensitivity = 100% (full right) Non-linearity = 0% (full left) Steering = Centred. This mod was made by Jazzycat, a well known name in the ATS and ETS2 modding world so you know you will get quality.

Go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sounds > Devices and Printers.

Bienvenidos a un nuevo vídeo de American Truck Simulator. #atsmods #ats #steeringwheel #gameplay #americantrucksimulator #ats #JPBBadeshaamerican truck simulator,ats,american truck simulator wyoming,steering whe SIM Gearshift Shifter Knob MAN truck ATS ETS2 Simulator for Logitech G29 G27 G25. Shifter - G29 G920 Gt6 g27 wheel drifting Gran Turismo - Gameplay with Logitech G27 Racing Wheel Logitech G27/G29 Wheels and Shifter Compatibility Best Wheel Setup For Sim Trucking (Logitech or Thrustmaster?) ★Kenworth W900 - American Truck Simulator with Logitech G27 | Wheel/feet camera #1 ★ Welcome to Colorful Colorado, a state that has some of the best wildlands and mountain ranges in the US. Once we’ve tested a sufficient number we 2X6: Two groups with 6 gears. #atsmods #ats #steeringwheel #gameplay #americantrucksimulator #ats #JPBBadeshaamerican truck simulator,ats,american truck simulator wyoming,steering whe Adjust graphics or audio settings, tweak gameplay preferences, or customize controls.

In Windows platform, there's a way to re-calibrate your G29 Racing Wheel through the Game Controllers Settings section.The default button layouts for both the G29 and the G920 are shown below: G29 default buttons. Shop Quality & Best Gears Directly From China Gears Suppliers. Plus it feels pretty good with the leather stitched wheel and shifter and brushed aluminum pedals and strong resistance on the brake.